annulus tympanicusの例文
anulus tympanicus
Its periphery is thick and forms a fibrocartilaginous ring called the anulus tympanicus.

recessus tympanicus
That " S . mongoliensis " might be more basal, lower in the tree, than " Zanabazar " and " Troodon ", is shown by the presence of a " recessus tympanicus dorsalis ", the upper one of three......

The top of the casing string and annulus is usually sealed. Additionally enlargement of the aortic annulus can contribute to valve dysfunction. If the annulus is enlarged it must be reduce......

annulus access
Annulus access flow test riser Annulus access line

annulus access flow test riser
Annulus access flow test riser

annulus access line
Annulus access line

annulus conjecture
Works by Hsiang, Julius Shaneson, C . T . C . Wall, Robion Kirby, Laurent Siebenmann and Andrew Casson lead in the 1960s to the proof of the annulus theorem ( previously known as the annul......

annulus femoralis
His name has been attached to the fovea gastrica and the annulus femoralis s . cruralis.

annulus fibrosus
These may be unrelated to any symptoms and are just bulges of the annulus fibrosus. Some people have nerve endings that penetrate more deeply into the annulus fibrosus ( outer layer of the......

annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis
"Bamboo spine " develops when the outer fibers of the fibrous ring ( " annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis " ) of the intervertebral discs ossify, which results in the formation of mar......

annulus flow line
Annulus flow line

annulus flow profile
Annulus flow profile

annulus line
Determination of power - law flow field in annulus line with piv technology

annulus of zinn
The annulus of Zinn is a tendinous ring that surrounds the optic nerve and serves as the origin for five of the six extraocular muscles, excluding the inferior oblique muscle. The lateral ......

annulus pack off
Annulus pack off

annulus pressure
Typically they are installed in tubing in the well and can measure the tubing pressure or annulus pressure or both.

annulus ring
This dehiscence causes the cells to shrink and a contraction and straightening of the annulus ring, eventually rupturing the sporangial wall by ripping apart thin-walled lip cells on the o......

annulus sector
Simulation of wavefront reconstruction based on polynomials orthogonalized in an annulus sector domain

annulus theorem
The annulus theorem is important in the theory of triangulation of manifolds. For example, see annulus theorem, one of the most famous results in geometric topology. Works by Hsiang, Juliu......

annulus water injection
Annulus water injection

annulus wing valve
Annulus wing valve

aortic annulus
Additionally enlargement of the aortic annulus can contribute to valve dysfunction. Then a 0.014 inch guide wire is passed across the stenosis aortic valve, where a balloon is inflated to ......

casing annulus
In the petroleum industry, the process involves injecting gas through the tubing-casing annulus. Larger rigs are capable of drilling through thousands of metres of the Earth's crust, using......

concentric annulus
Pressure drop of flow of pam aqueous solution in concentric annuli with isometric ring slots on the inner cylinder In this paper , the transition from churn flow to annular flow for upward......

cypraea annulus
These include a variety of molluscs such as the gold ring cowries " ( Cypraea annulus ) ", Crustaceans such as the Zebra Shrimp " ( Ganthophylum americanum ) " and a specimen of the seven ......